The Hands Free Software Developer

Product Published on: 16 September, 2009
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What Valuable Secrets Are Revealed In The Hands Free Software Developer?

Just take a look at the actual Table Of Contents from this amazing e-book..

Table of Contents 2

Chapter 1:
An Introduction 4
The Purpose of This Book 4
Buzzword Watch 6
Throwing A Little Cold Water on the Outsourcing Party 9

Chapter 2:
Do You Have a Software Project Suitable for Outsourcing? 12
Creating a New Software Solution—the Components of a Software Project 14
Creating a New Version of Existing Software 15
Project Visibility 17
Project Size as a Determining Factor 18

Chapter 3:
Writing the Requirements Document and the Product Specification 19
The Vision Statement 21
The Requirements Document 22
The Product Specification 24
Writing a Combined Requirements / Specifications Document 28
Sectioning the Requirements Document 31
Getting People Who Need to Read the Document to Actually Read It 39
Writing Tips 40
Reflecting Changes in Requirements 41
Documenting Requests for Enhancements 42
Outsourcing Your Requirements Document and Materials 42
Chapter 4:
Choosing and Managing Outsource Staff 45
Contracting Developers Individually 45
Choosing a Service Provider 53
A Note on Managing the Coding Process 55

Chapter 5:
Using The On-Line Services 58
General Principles For Using Online Services 59 – Old School Outsourcing 65 – Covering Every Base 66 – Focusing On The Code 67

Chapter 6:
Testing 69
A Few Reasons Why Your Software May Have Bugs 70
Software Testing 72
Verifying and Validating 73
The Walkthrough 73
The Inspection 73
Kinds of Testing To Be Considered 74
Final Thoughts on Testing 80

Chapter 7:
Managing the Development Project 81
The Four Stages of a Project 81
Estimating the Time and Cost of Your Project 83
The Most Common Problems in the Development Process 91
A Summary of the Common Difficulties of Outsourcing 93
Appendix A: Brandable Software, an Interesting Alternative 96
Appendix B: Requirements Document Template 101

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