Winning Over Difficult People In Your Life

Product Published on: 17 September, 2009
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What You Will Find in this Book:

 *The root cause of a difficult attitude

 *  How life’s pressures can make a person difficult

 *  How anyone can become difficult without being aware of it

 *  How to increase your toleration

 *  How to get difficult people to obey your commands

 *  How difficult people transfer their attitude to you

 *  How to turn a bad attitude into a good attitude

 *  How you can acquire the personality of people you idolize

 *  Why those who suffer from difficult people can become difficult

 *  Essential steps in dealing with difficult people

You will also Discover:

* How to communicate with difficult people

* How you can make difficult people happy

* What to do if when you disagree with difficult people

* How to escape from their traps

* The right time to give your unsolicited advice

* When telling the truth becomes a fault

* How to stop difficult people from becoming obnoxious

You Will Learn How To Deal with These Family Members and Associates :

* How to manage a difficult spouse

* How to win over difficult parents

* How to control difficult children

* How to overcome difficult siblings

* How to live with difficult relatives

* How to handle difficult friends

* How to be victorious difficult classmates

* How to get along with difficult neighbors

You will Learn How to Deal with These People, who can Make Your Life Miserable:

* How to survive a difficult boss

* How to work with difficult partners

* How to deal with difficult co-workers

* How to outsmart a person who interrupts incessantly


And You Will Learn these Skillful Techniques:

* How to use the art of diversion to win over difficult people

* How to shift pressure to others

* How to get out of tight situations with difficult people

* The best thing to do when things really get out of hand

And a lot, lot more!

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