Turbo Power Graphics

Product Published on: 27 September, 2009
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This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

Attention: Internet Marketers – How are the Graphics on Your Websites?

Introducing The Insane Graphics Blowout from Turbo Power Graphics – Demand Your Visitors’ Attention And Captivate Them With Our Blowout Graphics Package!

Take a look at just what you receive:

+ 10 Main Sales Pages – unique and beautiful in basic design.

+ 10 Main Sales Pages with an Opt-In Header – allowing your visitors to quickly and easily leave their contact details while you build your subscriber list.

+ 10 Thank You Pages – letting your customers know you appreciate their order.

+ 10 One Time Offer or Special Offer Pages – so you can alert your customers to unique deals and savings or limited opportunities.

+ 10 Testimonial Boxes in basic design – so your customers will know the level of quality you provide and the level of happiness previous customers have experienced.

+ 10 Video Testimonial Boxes, beautifully designed and ready for your video testimonials.

+ 10 Audio and Photo Testimonial Boxes, ready for you to insert your pictures and testimonials of past customers

+ 10 Squeeze Pages in Basic Designs – all unique and beautiful.

+ 10 Squeeze Pages Featuring Audio Capabilities, ready for your voice over features.

+ 10 Squeeze Pages Featuring Video Capabilities so you can enter your introduction or other videos.

+ 10 Review Pages, allowing you to post reviews of your product so your visitors know the value.

+ 10 Adsense Ready Pages so you can paste your adsense codes with no problem at all.

+ 10 Sets of Matching Trimmings – including bullets, checkmarks, ‘buy now’ buttons and the blank order buttons.

+ Bonus: 10 Power Video Skins!

Don’t ever miss out on sales again, simply because of your graphics! Use our graphics package to create a professionally designed, richly colored and beautiful website that will captivate your visitors and bring in the profits!

Additional information

Product License

Sales Page