Article Marketing Power

Product Published on: 27 April, 2011
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Introducing….Article Marketing Power…..
If ONE Page Made You $50 – $500 Every Month, How Many Pages Would You Create…
Make $50 – $500 PER Month From ONE Article!
Then, Continue To Do So As Many Times As You Want…
If you could have one of your articles published on over 400 different web sites, in a matter of weeks, so that they all continued to bring in more traffic, subscribers, and sales for you, on complete autopilot… how many more articles would you attempt to do that with?
This is a strategy that even a complete beginner to online marketing, with little to no experience, can use to start pulling traffic and profits – from virtually any niche!
Unfortunately, as amazing as this strategy is, it is also one of the most misunderstood and misused strategies out there. Most people who use this strategy (incorrectly) see mediocre or poor results.
Contrary to what many people think, article marketing is not about bombarding the Internet with as many articles as you can possibly churn (or spin) out. There’s a little more to it than that.
When used correctly, each article that you publish can become an ongoing traffic – and profit source, earning you anywhere from $50 to $500 (or more) per month. That’s per article.
Also, as touched on above, some of my articles have been republished on 400+ sites. That’s each individual article, on 400+ different sites all bringing traffic and buyers back to my sites without my having to lift a finger.

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