Cross Link Randomizer Software

Product Published on: 3 November, 2015
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Introducing …. Cross Link Randomizer Software ……


File : Master Resell Rights


Brief Note :


As you probably know, many small websites have links on each page of their website, linking to all the other pages on the site. This makes it easy for visitors (and search engines) to access all the pages.


These links from one page to other pages on the same site are called "cross links".


For small websites, with just a few pages, it's easy to cross link every page to all the other pages on the site.


But what if you have a large site with dozens or even hundreds of pages ?


You can add an index page, but this is not as convenient for visitors – as they have to go to the index page and then select which content page they want to see. They can also get swamped with too many links and decide it's too much hassle to look through them all.


And it removes the "casual surfing" benefit of seeing a small list of links at the side of the page and clicking on one that looks interesting.


So without cross linking, your visitors will on average view fewer pages of your site before leaving – and this of course reduce your chances of making money from them.


There is a way around this – which is to link every page to a subset of the other pages on the site. For example, you could link each page to ten of your other pages.


But to avoid search engine issues, you need to maintain an even link distribution, so that the overall number of links pointing to each page is roughly the same.


And if you have more than twenty pages, doing that yourself can get very complicated.


And much more !


Cross Link Randomizer offers an easy automatic way to do it.


Instead of inserting static links into your web pages, you just insert a special snippet of code into your pages where you want links to be shown.


The Cross Link Randomizer script scans your web host to build a list of all the pages in your website.


The script automatically determines the file names of all your pages and creates links using those file names.

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