LinkedIn Ads Made Easy Video Series

Product Published on: 31 October, 2016
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Introducing …. LinkedIn Ads Made Easy Video Series  …..


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Brief Note :


LinkedIn's ad revenue grew by 29% in the first quarter of 2016, and so…


LinkedIn Ads have become a complete treasure-trove of PROFESSIONAL TARGETED LEADS and a virtual goldmine to drive REAL results for your business!


Now, do you know how to harness the biggest social networking bonanza?


Well, our info packed training guide enables you to:


– Forge priceless contacts that translate into money in the bank
– Capture highly targeted and professional leads
– Get more traffic and sales for your offers
– Unlock a bank of laser targeted audience
– Promote your brand in a professional context


Introducing : LinkedIn Ads Made Easy – An info-rich training guide that is crammed with must-have secrets needed to easily and cheaply create LinkedIn ads and reach your potential customers in the right places at the right time.


Here's a brief insight into the great assistance that we are providing you with our exclusive training guide:




Section 1: LinkedIn Ads Basics

Chapter 1: What is LinkedIn Advertising all about?
Chapter 2: Why you should use LinkedIn Ads for your business?


Section 2: Setting up a LinkedIn Company Page

Chapter 3: What’s a LinkedIn company page?
Chapter 4: What are the requirements for adding a LinkedIn company page?
Chapter 5: How do you add a LinkedIn company page?


Section 3: Setting up your LinkedIn Ad Campaigns

Chapter 6: LinkedIn’s Ad Specs & advertising guidelines
Chapter 7: Creating a LinkedIn text ad – Step by Step
Chapter 8: Creating direct sponsored content – Step by Step
Chapter 9: Managing your campaigns
Chapter 10: Performance & reporting


Section 4: Additional LinkedIn Tips to consider

Chapter 11: 10 do's to apply
Chapter 12: 10 don’ts to avoid
Chapter 13: Premium LinkedIn tools and services
Chapter 14: Shocking LinkedIn case studies

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