Preselling Secrets

Product Published on: 26 June, 2009
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 This package come with premade web site allows you to instantly publish the site and start selling this product. The package also come with other material that associate with this product such as graphics, ads text, banners etc that you might require to promote or publish the web site. 

Learn The Secrets That
Earned Me $20,581.92
From ONE Affiliate Promotion
Of A Seventy-Seven Dollar Product!
Creator Of:
Instant Article Wizard
The competition in affiliate marketing today is fierce. Hundreds of thousands of affiliates are competing to out-sell each other for the same products.
To set yourself apart, you have to learn how to prepare your target audience so that they JUST HAVE to buy whatever it is you’re offering.
Using the methods outlined in my latest report, Preselling Secrets, you can repeat the process I used to earn $20,581.92 from just one affiliate promotion.
But First, The Proof
Screenshots of just the front-end transaction reports from ClickBank.
These figures do not include the additional thousands earned from the product’s one-time-offer.
Dear Friend,
Look. I’m not going to spend a lot of time going on and on about this. You’ve seen the proof above. I know how to succeed in a big way at promoting other people’s products as an affiliate.
The truth is that being a “super affiliate” is a simple matter of preparing your audience for what you’re wanting them to buy. This process is known as “preselling” the audience. A little up-front legwork will pay off handsomely, as evidenced by the example promotion above (and that’s only one of my many very successful affiliate promotions).
The problem with most affiliates’ efforts is that they do one of three things:
Simply send people directly through their affiliate link from their web site or via pay-per-click traffic (like AdWords) without introducing the product personally. BAD IDEA!
Bombard their email list with promotion after promotion after (*sigh*) promotion… REALLY BAD IDEA!
Send people a single email pitching the product, and never mention it again. There’s a better way.
Now, you can have SOME success using those methods, and that’s why affiliates keep using them. But I’m going to show why you’re missing out on MOST of your earnings by doing #1, why you should NEVER do #2, and the RIGHT way to do #3!
In fact, I’m going to show you my step-by-step formula
for achieving stellar affiliate profits!
Here are the five VITAL topics I cover with you in the report:
Preselling Is About Building Trust
Preselling By Not Selling Anything At All!
The One-Shot Presell
Blueprint of a Successful Full-Scale Promotion
Preselling Checklist
By the time you’re done reading this no fluff, to-the-point report, you’ll have the knowledge you need to really crank up your earnings for just about any affiliate promotion you engage in.
If you’re serious about your online marketing business in 2008, you will get this report right now and read it today.

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