The 17 Method

Product Published on: 26 June, 2009
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“Discover The Seventeen Simple ‘Tweaks’ I Use To Add A Zero Onto The End Of My Email Marketing Earnings”
Dear Internet Marketer
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that ‘the money is in the list’ I’d be writing this from my own private island.
Well maybe not quite, but sometimes it’s hard to see past the ‘old truths’ in internet marketing, and that can seriously affect your wealth when the ‘old truth’ in question is wrong.
Possibly just like you have, I accepted ‘the money is in the list’ – if everyone was saying it must be right, then I guess it must.
But I was dead wrong – and it cost me.
I spent more time than I care to remember concentrating on generating sales from my 5,000 strong list list. And guess what?
The sales arrived for a while – then they trickled to a slow, painful stop, because I hadn’t picked up one one solid fact.
And that was 
The money isn’t in the list – it’s in the email that you send to the list
How many mailing lists do you subscribe to? 
And out of those that you remain subscribed to for more than a few days, how many emails do you actually open?
My guess would be not many.
How do I know? Because as I said above, I had a list of over 5,000 people yet was hardly making enough each month to pay my hosting fees, let alone be a full-time internet marketer.
I should have been making at least $5,000 a month from that list.
So I discarded that list and started building a new one.
I went back to basics and began using some of the simplest yet deadly effective methods that I’d previously ignored as being ‘too simple’.
The result was that I made more money in one week from the small list of 1000 people that I built than I did in a whole year from my 5,000 list.
Just because I went back to basics and started thinking about the whole process of email marketing from a new angle.
I subscribed to over 50 of the top mailing lists in internet marketing. I looked back on the products I’d bought in the last 5 years and worked out why I’d bought them, and from whom.
Slowly (very slowly) it dawned on me that the people who made the most money from their lists weren’t the ones with the largest lists – they were the ones who used some simple but devastatingly effective ‘tweaks’ to make sure that their subscribers – their list – looked forward almost in anticipation to their mailings.
So I made changes to my own list, and as I said above – the results were pretty astounding.
Now every time I build a new list I make sure that I use these ‘tweaks’ on each list – regardless of niche or topic – and my conversion rate and relationship with my subscribers has never been better or more profitable.
Introducing ‘The Seventeen Method’.
Know the weird thing? After subscribing for many years to top guru mailing lists I now know that my ‘tweaks’ correspond to a lot of the methods used by top marketers to optimise their email marketing profits.
If you haven’t yet started building a mailing list or you only have small list, then believe it or not you’re in the best possible position because you won’t have to rebuild your relationship with your list, and re-establish trust. Even if you have an established list, and you’ve found your sales have dropped off over time, by using  ‘The Seventeen Method’ you’ll start to notice changes in your conversion almost immediately.
How to get other people to build your list for you
Get all the product testimonials you need – with one simple email
How to make multiple sales from the same customer – and they’ll love you for it.
The secret guru ‘tweak’ that allows you to follow profits for as long as you wish
Get all the affiliates you need for your products
Let other people do all the work while you pocket recurring payments
Where to find all the ready-made content you need
The genius of the ‘example’ tweak.
How to have your readers waiting in anticipation for your next email
and much more…….

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