Pay Per Download PLR

Product Published on: 1 July, 2009
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 This product include of full web site allowing you to sell this product instantly. This product also includes of all other material such as psd files, marketing letter, videos, advertisement text, ready made email letter, articles for use to submit to articles directory, ready made description for submission to web directory, promotional text and many more.

Are you ready to grab unrestricted private label rights to this brand new product hot off the presses?
“This previously unreleased package will build your list and customer loyalty 
while cramming your pockets with a little extra cash!”
Hey fellow Marketer!
If you’ve never got around to building your list, now’s the time to do it. I’ve created a custom video squeeze page for you complete with report and videos. Now all you have to do is plug in to some advertising and your in!
By the way, the video and report reveals a way to get people downloading your free report like clockwork! So it’s really benefits you two ways…
1. Sell or give away the report and make money.
2. Use the methods in the report and make more money.
3. Do both and max out your efforts!
Seriously guys, if you’re not marketing this way, you’re missing out on a ton of sales! You don’t even need a sales letter, just upload the video squeeze page to your server, setup your download page and you’re done!
Not to mention, you can make even more sales by including some affiliate offers or other product offers of your own in the pdf you’re giving away. Before you know it, you’ve created a viral explosion of backend sales! Your customers will love you and you will make some nice sales in the process!
The program shows you how to make sales from people downloading your ebooks and software and also gives the sources and shows you how to setup the system in about 30 minutes, so you can start getting free traffic to your sites.
See the squeeze page here 
(This comes with your package)
Here’s what you get with this amazing package
PLR Package: Piece #1
You get this all meat 3 page micro report that shows you how to reduce your advertising costs while laser focusing your leads on people who are truly interested in your product. ($7 Value!)
PLR Package: Piece #2
Camtasia video that walks you through step by step showing you how to setup the methods from the 3 page micro report. This is an extremely powerful video! (04 min. 01 sec.) ($17 Value!)
PLR Package: Piece #3
Standard squeeze page that comes with ecover graphics. Just add your autoresponder information and it’s ready to go! ($17 Value!)
PLR Package: Piece #4
Custom built video squeeze page that comes with the image and also with the .html template. This will also come with a short intro video to get your visitors curious and ready to give you their first name and email! ($47 Value!) See The Squeeze Page In Action!
PLR Package Piece #5
Almost forgot to mention that
you will get all word docs, pdf’s, 
videos and source files with this

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