6 eBook Pack

Product Published on: 2 July, 2009
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 This product include of full web site allowing you to sell this product instantly. This product also includes of all other material such as psd files, marketing letter, videos, advertisement text, ready made email letter, articles for use to submit to articles directory, ready made description for submission to web directory, promotional text and many more.

This 6 ebooks product pack include of 6 different ebooks products. Not only this include of 6 different ebooks products, each of the pack also inclusive of ready made auto adsense web site. The auto adsense website use script to generate the contents thus giving you a great fresh contents every day. 
Not only you can profit from the product itself, but also via advertisement such as adsense, affiliate links and many more. This pack worth thousands, the possibility to generate profit from these products is just unlimited.
Conclusion, following are the products topic that include with this pack,
1. Bed Bugs
2. Ebay Powerselling
3. Ipods
4. Online Dating
5. Time Management
6. Time Share

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