089 PLR Library

Product Published on: 26 June, 2009
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 This package come with premade web site allows you to instantly publish the site and start selling this product. The package also come with other material that associate with this product such as graphics, ads text, banners etc that you might require to promote or publish the web site. 

“Now You Can Harness The Power And Knowledge That The Gurus Use Day In And Day Out To Make Six Figures and More!”
You’re intelligent…
So you must be constantly looking for ways to tap into the $1,000,000s made in online marketing. If so, you’ll want to keep reading, because this just might make the difference between scraping the bottom of the barrel and rolling barrels of profits to the bank!
The fact is, people are earning huge profits everyday with little effort. YOU can join them and start earning profits online, and do it faster and easier than you may think.
Think you’ve tried everything already and just can’t achieve the success you want?
Need some powerful ideas to really get your Internet business booming?
What if you knew how to:
   1. Make the best use of the tools and knowledge you already have
   2. Maximize every marketing channel available to maximize profits
Imagine having a guide that could show you concisely what things you need to do NOW to bring in more customers, retain them longer and make more money. What would that be worth?
Introducing Online Profits PLR Library …
Included in this “power pack” you’ll get a Word and PDF version of each. These are not just your cheap, run of the mill guides either. You’re getting a quality product here.
Take a look at what’s included:
Amazing Advertising Tips
Value $37.00
Stop wasting money on useless advertising. Discover 30 hard-hitting action steps to explode your advertising results, not your budget!
Blockbuster Cash Secrets
Value $37.00
Uncover 30 underground methods for pulling cash out of thin air! You’ve already got everything you need. You just need a new way of looking at it!
Breakthrough Sales Solutions
Value $37.00
Your website is your virtual real estate. You’re about to discover 30 sure fire ways to maximize your profit from every square inch!
Clever Profit Generating Insights 
Value $37.00
30 hot-off-the-press profit generators are about to be revealed. Absorb these and implement them into your business immediately!
Covert Product Selling Principles
Value $37.00
Prepare yourself to sell more product than you’ve ever sold in the past! Just one of these 30 principles can make you independently wealthy!
Customer Tested Buying Triggers 
Value $37.00
Finally, you get the unfair advantage. 30 psychological triggers are about to be laid out on the table for you. Use these to have your customers eating out of your hand!
Explosive Influence Tactics 
Value $37.00
Make more money making more sales more often. Discover 30 tactics that will turn your prospects into customers like clockwork!
Extreme Persuasion Strategies
Value $37.00
You’re about to discover 30 little known strategies that can bring you financial independence. Apply one to take your business to the next level. Apply several and skyrocket your income!
How You’ll Benefit from Online Profits PLR Library:
 Guide 1: Amazing Advertising Tips – Indeed. They are amazing. With just a few of these you’ll soon realize you’re not far from hitting it big, and you’re getting a packed pamphlet of profit pulling tips!
 Guide 2: Blockbuster Cash Secrets – 30 Secrets you’ll wish you knew weeks ago. They are that new and up to date. Put just one of these into use and the cost of this is taken care of. You’ll be more than satisfied and so will your bank account!
 Guide 3: Breakthrough Sales Solutions – Do you feel like your spinning your wheels and going no where in this “game”? It’s not a game any more. It’s your job and you won’t face any more problems because here’s the Solutions!
 Guide 4: Clever Profit-Generating Insights – Sometimes re-inventing the wheel is just what you need to do. Still, sometimes just some insight from a Real Guru can steer you in the right direction!
 Guide 5: Covert Product Selling Principles – Another guide to push you over the hill and line your pockets with cash. These principles will allow you to sell anything to anyone and it covers all the steps in between!
 Guide 6: Customer Tested Buying Triggers – What makes your customers tick? More importantly and specifically, what makes them buy? No more questions. Just answers regarding what motivates or in some cases subliminally coheres your visitors into becoming paying customers!
 Guide 7: Explosive Influence Tactics – This is the most overlooked aspect of Internet Marketing. There’s a difference between what will, and what does influence your customers when making a purchase. Here’s a heap of tactics you can use right now that’ll explode all your efforts, and profits!
 Guide 8: Extreme Persuasion Strategies – Okay, so you’ve done everything you can to ensure that those visitors to your site become loyal, paying, repeat customers. You know not everybody will bite, right? Wrong. These extreme strategies of persuasion will guarantee people will buy what what you’re selling!

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