Banner Ninja 2.0

Product Published on: 17 June, 2014
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Introducing …… Banner Ninja 2.0 …….


File : Personal Use Rights


Brief Note :


Double your profits by creating ' click-pulling banner ads ' in few clicks of a mouse and no technical or design skills are required !


Grab 40 ' Done-For-You ' banner templates and start churning out dangerously hypnotic banner ads that will suck your viewers to click on them in an almost spine-chilling way !


Who Is This Graphic Package For:


– Internet marketers 
– Affiliate marketers 
– Media buyers 
– Graphic designers 
– Product vendors 
– PLR resellers 
– Offline marketers 


Where Can You Use These Banner Templates:


– Create stunning banner ads for your own products on Google Adwords and other networks 
– Promote affiliate products on your blog – finally fully monetize your traffic! 

– Do you have Amazon/Affiliate review sites? Put a powerful banner on your sidebar and send it to a bestselling affiliate offer 

– Send people to your capture page and build a highly lucrative list 

– Start offering banner design services on Fiverr 

– Offer banner design services for offline clients (extremely profitable!) 


Here's Why You'll Absolutely Love Banner Ninja 2.0:


– Get 40 Unique Banner Templates (9 Sizes Each – Total 380 Variations) – Enjoy these attention-grabbing banners that will get you more clicks than anything else. These banners were almost scientifically crafted to create an eye-ball smacking effect. Be cautious!

– Lower Your Advertising Costs by Increasing Click-Trough-Rate (CTR) – In many ad networks (like Google & Bing) the higher percentage of people click on your ad, the lower your advertising costs. That means with these hypnotic banner ads, you'll be able to crush your competitors and save a ton of money!

– Double Your Profits Instantly – Send your blog/website visitors to best-selling affiliate offers using attention-grabbing banners you just can't miss. Don't lose visitors anymore and fully monetize them each and every time.

– Hassle-Free 1-Minute Customization (Photoshop Needed) – editing these premium 'done-for-you' banner graphics is extremely quick & easy. All you need is Photoshop (you can get Photoshop CC for just $9.99 a month)! A video training explains how to edit these templates in literally seconds! No technical skills are needed.

– Eyeball-Smacking Design For Maximum Conversions – All the banner templates are really response-driven ads that WILL get you clicks. Yes they may look ugly, and yes they get more clicks because of that. I actually spent a lot of time on them and I implemented is a lot of ninja psychological stuff for maximum results.

– Eliminate Outsourcer Delays – do it yourself quicker with no more headaches! Get exactly what you want. Take a full control over your business.

– Save Money Smartly – forget about hiring expensive graphic designers. 

– Stay Safe with the Law – photography & graphics license violations are a big thing nowadays. Stay safe from risky lawsuits and expensive fines. All the graphics here were created by me and I have full rights to them.

– Make Easier Money From Your Client's Work – all graphics come with developer's rights so now you can create impressive banner graphics in literally minutes!

– Explore Your Imagination with an Unlimited Flexibility – you can literally change anything in these templates! Change the background color, font size, font style, photos, move things around. It's all showed in the video training and it's ultra simple! Your imagination is your limit! Have fun!

– Make Easy Profits From Your Offline Clients – create stunning banner ads in minutes for your offline clients for quick & easy profits.


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