Blog marketing

Product Published on: 7 June, 2009
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Hot New Marketing Guide Takes You By The Hand And Reveals How To Quickly Create Massively Profitable Blogs!

And How You Can Start Stuffing Your Paypal Account With Cash Even If You Hate Writing And Don’t Know The First Thing About Blogs!

“This is more than just a great report, its a complete blogging package worth a great deal more than the asking price.
Great job.

A real case of underpromise and over deliver”

 -Glenn Hamilton

Dear Friend,

If you are sick of the run around about making money online or if you have purchased a lot of books that haven’t lived up to their “Great Sales Pitch” then you’re NOT alone.

I know all too well the frustration of  investing your hard earned cash into a product that promises riches only to discover that it doesn’t live up to it’s promises. It’s infuriating to say the least.

For years I wasted thousands upon thousands of dollars on information products hoping for some kind of “quick fix” until a fellow marketer gave me some really great advice…

Instead of chasing every dream that is described to you, and being led by promises of quick riches into buying every single program or ebook, you should instead focus on acquiring real long-term internet marketing skills that allow you to identify opportunities and capitalize upon them.

This is exactly what the so called “gurus” do and its  why they are so successful.

Many of these same “gurus” also have a dirty little secret they don’t want you to know about but I’m going to spill the beans right here and now…

There are NO genuine “systems” to making money and this is especially true on the Internet where a money making system has the life expectancy of a Hollywood marriage! A money making Internet system that easily works one day could just as easily be totally outdated the next day.

You need to understand that there are exactly two and only two money making systems guaranteed to produce cash day in and day out: printing presses and jobs.

That’s about it.

Any other “system” you come across, now matter how convincing the sales copy or how amazing the graphics, is total garbage. The word “system” is used so frequently to describe junk products because of its powerful, almost hypnotic appeal.

After all, who doesn’t like an easy solution to a complicated problem?

Now before you start feeling discouraged, I happen to have a very powerful secret for you. You see, your computer is not merely connected to the Internet as you believe it to be.

“Your computer is actually connected to a world of limitless opportunities!”

Put more simply,  it’s now genuinely possible for an average person to make a small fortune very quickly if they know how to spot opportunities online. If you can uncover opportunities online and have the skills to capitalize upon them you will make a lot of money. It’s that simple.

There are so many opportunities online that it’s simply mind blowing, but I’d like to tell you about what I believe to be one of the hottest, most profitable opportunities currently lurking on the Internet and how just about anyone armed with the right information can take advantage of it.

What is this exciting opportunity?

It’s called  blogging and there’s a good chance you already do it or know someone who does. What you don’t know is that a simple blog can easily become a marketing machine that pumps out cash like your own personal ATM machine.

It may be hard to believe, but it’s true.

Blogs are practically tailor made to produce cash like crazy because they are:

Typically viewed as very trusted sources of information. Therefore what is written in a blog is much more likely to be believed or acted upon than if it were written on a standard, commercialized website.

Very cheap to setup even if you are operating on a shoestring budget and can be easily and inexpensively maintained by someone who knows very little about computers or the Internet

Promoting a blog and flooding it with quality traffic requires only a very tiny promotional budget

In short, blog marketing is a relatively easy, inexpensive, and highly effective way to get your hands on piles of cold hard cash!

So how great would it be if someone offered to teach you how to set up your very own professional looking blog, how to create awesome content, how to flood your blog with free traffic day in and day out, then showed you how to turn that traffic into cash and at the same time revealed internet marketing skills essential for your long term success? 



The Complete Cash Lovers Guide To Blog Marketing is 70+ page PDF course that will show you in plain English and in careful detail absolutely everything you need to know about blog marketing. This guide is not one of those junk “systems” you’ve wasted money on in the past!

“This guide is more like a road map to long-term, online success!”

“Finally … a well-written, LONG report that doesn’t spend half of its 76 pages showing you how to set up a WP blog!
This is truly a no fluff report showing you how to make money with your blog and is worth much more than the $37 price tag.”

 -Cindy Thompson

Building a substantial internet income is a completely realistic goal and with the help of my comprehensive guide you can achieve your dreams of success! My easy to follow course is jam packed with real world examples and step by step instructions on how to set up a simple, nearly free blog and turn it into a cash generating, marketing machine.

 And you can learn to do so within mere minutes after your download!

Even if you only use your computer a few times a day to check your email you can still use this guide and the information contained within it to start your journey to becoming truly wealthy.

I have tested and fine tuned this amazing guide over the course of many months and am now making it available so that you too can experience the joy of owning your very own online business!

I know, this all sounds really great and all, but you’ve also read the same kind of hype before only to be disappointed.

Unfortunately, comparable manuals fail to deliver on their advertised promises is because they simply do not provide you with the skills and information you need to be truly successful. They just throw a bunch of information at you and let you figure it all out!

“Great job on this report! You put a lot of work into this, and it is very informative information.
Your blogging experience is evident in your writing. This is definitely one of those good resources that are as useful as they claim to be”

 -Mary Green

With The Complete Cash Lovers Guide To Blog Marketing absolutely nothing is left to the imagination! Everything you need to know to make unlimited amounts of money will be revealed to you! This is a no non-sense, no fluff guide.


 When you begin blogging for the purposes of making money you will be entering the super profitable and rapidly growing information business. After all, people will be visiting  your blog because they want access to the information contained within it.

The true key to making lots of money with information is knowing what kinds of information have huge demand and which do not.

Understanding the demand for the information you plan on supplying through your blog is just as important as having a traffic plan, if not more so!

After all, if there is little demand for the information you will be providing, it’s going to be pretty difficult to get a flood of traffic!

Determining what kinds of information will be the most profitable is not at all difficult. All you need is a keyword research tool. But doing this kind of research could take you days or even weeks!

Fortunately, inside of The Complete Cash Lovers Guide To Blog Marketing is list of more than 70 kinds of red hot, in demand information. I’ll even show how to get your hands on this kind of information without writing a single word and without paying for it!

But making posts to your blog and just hoping for swarms of traffic from the search engines is not enough…not if you’re a cash lover that is! this is precisely why The Complete Cash Lovers Guide To Blog Marketing shows you the 9 easiest and most cost effective methods to flood your blog with free traffic! 

You will not be left stranded wondering how the heck you’re supposed to get traffic! I will show you in detail everything you need to do to get tons and tons of traffic to your blog.

The 9 free traffic methods I show you are so powerful that using just one is enough to create an absolute avalanche of unstoppable traffic!

“This is about creating a brilliant business one step at time – slowly and surely.”

Putting in effort as opposed to cash. So that people have a chance to do something online without getting exploited by bastards who take a couple of grand from you and teach you something that could never work!


“I was pretty blown away by the amount of great information that YOUR NAME has provided here.
I don’t endorse a lot of things, but for this price, it’s an absolute steal!.”

 -Nathan Johnson

In Summary Here’s Just Some Of The Topics This Comprehensive Course Covers In Detail:

  Step-by-step directions on getting immediate traffic from Google and Yahoo! in just 24 hours for free!

   How to get a dozen information products for less than the cost of a large pizza and resell them on your blog for thousands and thousands of dollars!

    How to get traffic with press releases and the free resource for writing and  submitting top notch press releases to all of the hot off the press news sites!

   Step-by-step directions for adding Google Adsense Ads to your blog and a list of the 150 top paying Adsense keywords that pay at least $23 per click!

   The amazing software that will effortlessly turn all of your blog content into cold hard cash! This software is included free with your purchase!

   How to get brand spanking new blog content without writing a single word and without paying for it and how this same content will keep your readers coming back over and over again!

  Why you must do product reviews and how to write one in five easy steps and how to effortlessly stay up to date on new product releases in your chosen niche!

  The 3 most powerful, profit pulling words and how these three simple words can keep pulling in steady profits for you for years!

  How to turn your blog content into articles that will pull in traffic like crazy!

  Why and how you need to build anticipation before the launch of your blog!

  Why you must have video content and the free service that will allow you to easily steal thousands of visitors from Youtube’s massive traffic network!

  70+ ultra hot niche topics just oozing with traffic and profit and the simple 3 day method for convincing your readers that you’re an expert on almost any one of them!

  How you can use social bookmarking to get tons and tons of free targeted traffic like the kind you would usually pay for!

   How to practically steal the traffic from other people’s blogs!

  11 easy steps to turn your blog content into a viral ebook that will bring in cash and traffic for years and years!

 Why you must have a newsletter and how to build your subscriber base at lightning speed and how to turn your subscribers into cash instantly!

 The 8 kinds of products that can explode your affiliate commissions if  paired with a simple video clip

  And much, much more..

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