Email Sales Blueprint Video Series

Product Published on: 17 May, 2017
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Introducing … Email Sales Blueprint Video Series …


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Brief Note :


Wouldn’t It Be Great If You Could Make Money From Your List Instead Of Just Wasting It?


It’s Not About Just Building A List! It's About Building A RESPONSIVE & PROFITABLE List!


Introducing … Email Sales Blueprint System Video Series …


Here's What You'll Learn With The Email Sales Blueprint System:


– How to get your subscribers to know, like and trust you quickly with little extra effort!

– What you need to do for them to look forward to receiving your emails every single day (even sales emails!)

– The one thing you need to know before you send a single email!

– How to organize and structure your email campaigns to build strong relationships with your list while making money at the same time!

– The #1 thing you need to do if you want your subscribers to stay on your list!

– One easy way to set yourself apart from the rest of your competition and be seen as the "go to" guy or gal in your niche!

– How to get your subscribers to see you as a trusted friend instead of just another marketer!

– The exact reason why most people don't get any results with email marketing and how you can avoid their mistakes!

– The best types of subject lines that actually get your emails opened and read!

– How to get subscribers to not just open your emails but actually click on your links as well!

– The secret to writing sales emails that your subscribers will look forward to receiving!

– The one type of email you must send to build a deeper bond with your list!

– How to properly format your emails for best results!

– How often you should be mailing your list, what to send and when to send it!

– The complete "Email Promo Sales Formula" for getting your subscribers to take action on your offers!

– Whether to use html or text messages, single or double optin, follow ups or broadcasts

– How to track your click-through and open rates to see how your campaigns are performing!

– How to make more money from your subscribers without actually trying to sell anything!

– And much, much more! 


With 20 video modules, you'll have what you need to make money with your own responsive email list, even if you're starting from scratch with no experience!


Just Follow Along As You're Guided Every Step Of The Way!


Email Sales Blueprint gives you the proven strategies used by successful marketers to take your business to the next level, just by following along as you're guided every step of the way.


With this complete system to email marketing, you will be able to create highly profitable mailing lists that are busting at the seams with fresh, responsive subscribers in record time!


All you need to do is follow along with me, replicate my system, and starting from now you will have a hyper-active mailing list at your fingertips!


I reveal all my insider tips & tricks to maximizing your income with laser targeted campaigns the right way from day one…
You'll learn my exact strategy for turning every day "freebie seekers" into loyal customers you can count on to show up and support your next campaign (and the next one… and the next one after that…) 


How you can create an email campaign by using existing material that is pre-written and ready to plug in & profit! (This method will save you a fortune, while reducing your workload by up to 99%!)


The critical steps to building a highly effective email list that practically guarantees a winning promotion (nearly all new email marketers overlook these essential components, don't make the same mistake!)


Step by step method to solidifying your place within your market by building confidence and brand awareness with your list (if you truly want to live the email lifestyle, you absolutely NEED to follow this method.) 
Best of all we're offering you a complete, step by step system that is so simple and effective there's virtually ZERO chance of failure!


I want to help you succeed, I truly do. So I've decided to include with your training each of these Fast Action Bonus items, hand selected to help you further increase your email marketing profits…










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