Facebook Ad Explosion PLR Video

Product Published on: 31 December, 2010
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Facebook Ad Explosion!
6 Part Video Course
This step by step, 6 part video series, takes you by the hand and shows you how to quickly plan and setup your Facebook Ad campaign correctly, from; what facebook allows and disallows, the basics of writing your ads, getting them approved, testing them, getting them to convert and building a community around your brand, to increase the viralness!
Here’s a list of this 6 part video series in more detail
Video#1: Introduction on Facebook Ads
In this video, you will learn a little more about Facebook Ads just to get you started. You’ll also learn how it all works, and most importantly, what steps we are going to take to implement this
business strategy faster.
You’ll also be given a quick overview of what you’ll be learning, in the rest of this video series, so you can speed the process up faster.
Video #2: Researching Your Target Market
Before you go all out and start creating a Facebook ad campaign, the worst mistake you can make, is not knowing who your target market is. Yes I know you are excited, but the last thing you want to do, is jump in with two feet, without the proper research. So in this video, you will learn how to find your target market, their location, their gender, and more.
Remember….because Facebook is so targeted, it’s important that you have this information in hand BEFORE you move forward. Doing this, will allow you to create a successful Facebook Ad Campaign. I want to see you succeed.
Video #3: Planning Ahead to Make Your Ads Work
After you have done the proper research, you need to plan out your Facebook Ad from the ad itself, to your landing page. In this case, we will be talking about Facebook Fan Pages, because it is a great way to create the viralness of your ad and deepen the relationship with your prospects. You see, the key here is to use what Facebook provides you with, as an advertiser.
They have tested these things, and know what works and what doesn’t. You will make your life easier, when you just utilize their tools. So that’s what we’ll discuss in this section.
Video #4: Writing Your Ads and Getting them Approved
In this particular video, you will learn how to write your ads quickly, and how to increase your conversions with pictures. If done correctly, your ad should convert quite well. In this video we will also discuss the important Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Ads. Unlike Google Adwords, the only downside with Facebook Ads, is that it can take up to a day for your ads to get approved. So you want to make sure that you follow their guidelines before submitting your ads.
Video #5: Setting Up and Testing your Ads (CPC vs. CPM)
Once your ad is approved, you can begin testing your Ads. This is a vital part of knowing what is the best strategy to take. In this section, we will discuss CPC vs. CPM. There’s a specific strategy that I have found that works… that will help you save money, while getting quality clicks.
I wish I had known this strategy before I started, but like I said, YOU get to learn from MY mistakes.
Video #6: Increase Your Networking and Building Relationships
Once you have tested your ads and they are indeed converting, it’s time to focus on increasing your network reach and start deepening the relationships with your potential clients. But how do you go about that? That’s exactly what we’ll discuss in this video.

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