Fixing The Marriage

Product Published on: 26 January, 2016
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Introducing …. Fixing The Marriage …..


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Brief Note :


It is often difficult to try and save the marriage when both parties feel they are hitting a brick wall with their perceived attempts to being reasonable.


Although it may seem ideal to simply drift along through the marriage, it would help to create a stronger marriage bond if both parties work out some goals they can participate in achieving.


Once the goals for the marriage has been firmly outlined and accepted, there would be some follow up steps that should be taken to ensure the goals set are achieved without eventually contributing to the downfall of the relationship.


Part of the growing process within a marriage relationship is to understand and accept the need for positive intervention when things are not going according to plan. Being able to seek such help is pivotal in keeping the marriage of the road to recovery rather than disaster.


Introducing …. Fixing The Marriage ……


This powerful ebook will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of getting your marriage to a successful place.


With this product, and it’s great information on fixing your marriage it will walk you, step by step, through the exact process we developed to help people get all the info they need to be a success.


In This Book, You Will Learn:


–    Marriage Counseling Basics


–    Make A List Of Your Goals For Your Marriage


–    Make a List Of What Is Getting In The Way


–    Develop A Positive Attitude About Getting Help


–    Realize The Only Person You Can Change Is You


–    And so much more!

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