Foolproof Plugin Outsourcing (2) Video Series

Product Published on: 8 July, 2017
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Introducing … Foolproof Plugin Outsourcing (2) Video Series …

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Brief Note :

This Brand New 8 Parts Step-By-Step Video Course Will Show You How
To Quickly and Easily Find The Right Programmer Who Can Create Your Hot-Selling WordPress Plugin!

Here’s a list of this 8-part video series in more detail :

Video #1 – Introduction

One of the biggest complaints when it comes to hiring a programmer to develop your WordPress plug-in that I have heard over and over again is: “There are no good programmers.” Wrong. Attracting the right person takes skill and you’ll learn how.

Video #2 – Skill Set

When it comes to hiring a programmer based on skill set, we will discuss exactly what you need to be looking for.

Video #3 – Personality

While skill set is very important, hiring based only on skill set is the wrong idea. This is where most people miss out because they think everyone thinks like them or they just want the job done right away. Take a step back, because you also need to look for the right person with the right personality. This is a great way to predict whether or not your project will succeed and how well you will be able to interact and communicate with your programmer.

Video #4 – Best Freelance Sites

There are many sites out there that you can use to find programmers and other freelancers. We will discuss the ones that we have used and have had great success with. We will also teach you how to protect yourself.

Video #5 – Research

At this point in time people normally want to go ahead and create a job post and start looking for programmers. This is a bad idea; instead, what you should be doing is researching and doing your due diligence beforehand. In this video, you’ll be shown exactly what you need to do to research different types of people in different types of job roles that have attracted the correct programmer.

Video #6 – How Much Should You Expect to Pay?

When it comes to setting your budget, most people have unrealistic budget expectations that are too low or too high. So, the question is how in the world are you supposed to know how much a WordPress plug-in is going to cost? That is something that we will tackle in this video.

Video #7 – Crafting The Job Post

Once you have done the proper research, it’s time to craft your job post. We will go through the most important things that you need to have inside your job post to ensure that you find somebody who is detail oriented. Someone who can pay attention to detail is key, no matter what the freelancing job is. You’ll learn secret tests that we use all the time to ensure that we get that type of person.

Video #8 – Search Parameters
When it comes to being proactive about your job post, you want to search for programmers that fit your needs. You’re going to learn the exact search parameters that we use to find the best programmers available.

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