Going Green Foods

Product Published on: 11 July, 2013
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Introducing ….. Going Green Foods ……


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Brief Note :


Attention: What Is The First Essential Step For Going Green With Food ? 


“Get Everything You Need To Know To Get Started With Helping The Earth And Going Green With Food!”


This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The World When It Comes To Everything You Need To Know About Green Agriculture !


Dear Friend,


Is the fact that you would like to learn how to be more concious with food and help out Mother Earth but just don’t know how to get started making you feel really bad… maybe you have even thought about just giving up?


Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to learn how to go green when it comes to food, and no matter how hard you try and despite your commitment to the issue, you’re still plagued with:


•    Not knowing what is needed to get started

•    Not understanding what sustainable agriculture is

•    Not knowing the differnec between natural and organic foods


If this describes you, you have definitely come to the right place today…


Organic agricultural techniques blend scientific knowledge of environmental science and modern technology with traditional agricultural practices based on naturally happening biological processes. Organic agricultural techniques are examined in the field of agro ecology. Although conventional agriculture utilizes synthetic pesticides and water-soluble synthetically purified fertilizers, organic farmers are limited by regulations to utilizing natural pesticides and plant food.


Water supply pollution: if agricultural chemicals, hormones, pesticides and plant foods soak up into the water table, fish perish and the drinking water gets dirty, among additional issues.


Air pollution: if farm animals are confined, as they are with industrial meat products, harmful gases like sulfur dioxide, CO2 and ammonia are discharged into the air.


And above are just a couple of issues …..


This powerful book will provide you with everything you need to know to learn all about the basics of eco friendly food.


As understanding the basics of anything is crucial to success, this is information that can be very valuable to you.


Who Can Use This Book? 


– Internet marketers


– Network marketers


– Life Coaches


– Personal Development Enthusiasts


– Self Improvement Bloggers


– Web Publishers


– Writers and Content Creators


– And Many More!


In This Book, You Will Learn :


.What Does Going Green With Food Mean


.What Is Sustainable Agriculture


.What Is Organic Agriculture


.The Difference Between “Natural” Foods And “Organic” Foods 


.The Benefits Of Growing Your Own Food


.And so much more!


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