Hubpages Blueprint V2

Product Published on: 26 June, 2009
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 This package come with premade web site allows you to instantly publish the site and start selling this product. The package also come with other material that associate with this product such as graphics, ads text, banners etc that you might require to promote or publish the web site. 

Average Joe Reveals The Stupid-Simple Hottest Web 2.0 Traffic Property That Brought In 10,658 FREE Visitors in 6 Days
…Replicate It With Any Niche
You Are In 100% Guaranteed
Hey Frustrated Internet Marketer
Now that you have some stats and I have your attention, let me tell you that 97%+ of Internet marketers can’t get stats like these…
Simply because they don’know who to listen to.
You have GURU number 1.. telling you to go here to spend $297/month… and GURU number 2 telling you to go here to buy this $997 course…
How’s That Working For You?
Well folks… Sorry to burst your bubble… but..
It’s Much Easier Than That!
A few months ago, I ran into a sire called:
I had heard about this site off and on, but had never got around to actually giving it a try… well I finally did.. and the results were nothing more than stellar!
Hubpages was founded by three guys out of Microsoft that were part of the successful startup MongoMusic.
The team includes Paul Edmondson, Jay Reitz, and Paul Deeds. 
So.. we have some heavy wieghts here!
"How About Some Quick Facts"
Hub Pages Carry a PR of 6
Hub Pages is Looked at by Google as Authoritative 
It has 56,000 Links Coming in From Yahoo 
It’s Alex Ranking is 220 What that Means to You is….
Did I mention…
Google Loves Hubpages!
As Of December 28th 2007
As Of December 28th 2007
(Results As Of December 28th 2007)
Those are great results…
How Can I Get A Piece of That?
That’s where HubBlueprint Comers In…
I am busting out the goods and sharing with you how you can instantly learn how to become a shinning star on Hubpages and use this power ranking site to your advantage!
In the HubBlueprint: The Ultimate Guide to Hub Pages you will learn how to master hub pages quickly and learn insider tips and secrets.
So this is great not only for beginners but has excellent tips for advanced users as well…
What can hubpages mean for you?…
Instant Indexing – Hub Pages Get Indexed Very Quickly
Google Loves Hub Pages – Need We Say More?
Easy To Use – Hub Pages Are Pretty Straight Forward, especially with our Step By Step Guide
Traffic–Traffic–FREE Traffic – Is there anything better than Free Targeted Traffic?
Rss Feeds, Links, Videos and More O My – Lots of cool features that allow you to add your links and build Hot looking Hubs that the Serps will eat and rank…
Version 2 now includes over 36 minutes of video!
Video 1:
An Introduction to Hubpages
Running Time 3:29
Video 2:
Creating A Hubpages Account
Running Time 5:27
Video 3:
Choosing A Product to Promote… if Needed…
Running Time 4:05
Video 4:
Creating Your 1st Hubpage
Running Time 8:22
Video 5:
Creating Internal Traffic
Running Time 4:14
Video 6:
Creating External Traffic
Running Time 5:05
Video 7:
Advanced Earning Techniques
Running Time 5:17
As with everything I do and teach, there is work involved. If you still expect to grow your business by doing nothing then this course is not for you.
Let me stress… it is NOT hard!
Nothing In Internet Marketing is HARD.
So Please, Spare Me the “It’s Too Hard” Speech
Because it Simply is Not True…
Everything can be broken down into manageable chunks and then pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.
This Isn’t For Everybody…
and It May Not Be for You!
I know what you’re thinking… A lot of products have been designed for beginners, while a lot of them are for more advanced marketers, so which one is this?
I’ve designed this course so that everybody will benefit from it. Whether you’re just getting started and don’t even have a site up yet, or you’re like me and have been around forever, you’ll benefit from my knowledge.
Still, this product may not be for you…regardless of your level of marketing experience.
What I mean by that is…
It Won’t Just Magically Add Money to Your Bank Account Simply by Having These Files on Your Computer….
Of course, if you’re willing to do a little bit of work to get things going, this system is for you. And it’s something that will change your life in a big way– more money, more time, and more happiness.
I won’t say anything more to try to "convince you" to purchase this manual. If you have read the bullets and testimonials above, you understand that this is killer stuff. No mind-games as far as the price goes either.

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