Instant Membership Site Creator

Product Published on: 29 June, 2009
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This product include of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instatly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

Instant Membership Site Creator
Create Your Own Membership Sites in 60 Seconds !
Are you Looking for an Easy Solution to Create a Password Protected Membership Site ?
Forget all Complicated Membership Scripts!  No more Script Installation, uploading and setup.  Instant Membership Site Creator is an easy to use Tool to create Password Protected Membership Websites. You can create any number of Membership Sites without any experience in programming and script installation. No complicated database setup and manual chmod settings are necessary any more to create Members only private site. Just fill-up a simple form and press the “Create Your Membership Site” Button, and your membership site will be ready within 60 Seconds literally.
Main Features of Instant Membership Site Creator

This software will create membership sites with the following features:-

Creates a Password protect members only folder in your website.
Creates Signup Forms for your customers to create membership account.
Works with multiple payment processors (ClickBank, Paypal etc) to collect membership access fee.
Includes a system to create unique user ID and password for all members.
Provides an easy to use Admin Control panel to manage your members.
Add all new members into your AutoResponder (Aweber, GetResponse etc.) System.
Advanced Search Option to search members UserID, Email, Receipt number, IP address etc.
Clickbank™ customers purchase’ details will be automatically added to the database
Paypal™ customers’ transaction details will be added to the database
Easy to use Admin Setup page to modify system variables.
An option to add your One-Time-Offers (OTO) to the welcome page
Provides a lost password retrieval utility for your members to retrieve their forgotten login details.
Creates Difficult to guess Signup Page URLs and Database names for extra security
Provides details on Data backup and signup page settings in the System Settings page.
Desktop tool with built-in Tutorial and help.
Works in Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, ME, 2000 and 98 OS.

How to Create a membership site in 3 easy steps?
Step:1  Launch the Program
Double-click on the icon to launch the program.
Step:2  Fill up a simple form
You have to type certain details in a form as given below:-
Enter your website address, web hosting login details, members folder, membership script location, name, email, admin password etc.  Details of each field has been given in the tutorial, so filling-up the form is not a big deal.
Step:3  Click on a Button
Click on the ‘Create Your Membership Site’ button and the system will start creating your membership site and install necessary files to your website.  Within 60 seconds, your membership site will be ready and you will be forwarded to the following page:-
Is it complicated ?  Absolutely not.  Your membership site is ready.  Now you can upload the content for members into the password protected folder as specified in the tutorial.  Your Membership site users will be able to access the content only with their unique user ID and password.
Features added in the new version
1) Multiple Signup pages.
In the new version, we have provided 3 different signup pages instead of a single signup form given in the previous version.
Common Signup Page
This Common Signup page will work with any payment processor like Paypal, Clickbank, 2Checkout and others.  This Signup page can also be used for Free Membership Access.
Signup page exclusively for Clickbank Customers
Using this Signup form, only paid Clickbank customers will be able to create membership account.  Clickbank Receipt number, customer name and email address will be added to the database.  So its easy for you to list or search Clickbank customers in the Admin Control panel
A Signup page exclusively for Paypal Merchants
Only paid Paypal customers will be able to create membership account (Using paypal IPN).  Paypal Transaction ID and Paypal Email will be added to the database. So its easy for you to locate members paid by paypal.
2) Advanced Search Feature
In the new version, we have added an advanced search features.  Now you can search User ID, Signup Email, ClickBank Receipt#, Paypal Transaction ID, Paypal Email, name and IP Address.
3) Member List Option:  In the new version, two list buttons are included – list new members and list all members.
4) An Option to add your One Time Offers (OTO) in the welcome page.  Just copy and paste the OTO page HTML code into the Admin Setup page and OTO will be displayed at the bottom of the welcome page. So all new members will see your new Offers after they created a membership account.
5) Encrypted Paypal Button Code Fields.  Instead of providing Raw Button Code fields, you get Encrypted Paypal Return URL, Notify URL and Custom Field for extra security.  You can easily copy and paste those fields into your paypal buy now/subscription button code.  For each signup, the system will verify with paypal whether the new member is paid the exact amount you specified to the given paypal email address.  This option is suitable for both single payment membership access and monthly recurring membership access.
6) New additions in the setup page – OTO setup, List of Signup page URLs, Encrypted paypal fields, Data backup details.
7) Removed bugs and added anti-hacking module.
Your Membership Site Admin Control Panel is 100% safe and secure. No Unauthorized Access will be allowed.  The following message will be displayed if somebody try to access your Admin Control Panel.
You don’t have to worry about hackers attempting to create a membership account from the Paypal or Clickbank Signup page without making payment.  If somebody is trying to access the signup page without making payment, they will be forwarded to the following screen:-
This tool will create random signup form URL with numbers and alphabets that is very difficult to guess.  Also the name of Users’ Database file will also be named with random numbers and alphabets combination for extra security.
Note that we provide a detailed Tutorial with this software.  So its very easy for you to start using this software.  You don’t need any experience in software development and script installation to use this Desktop Application.
What if a member forgot his User ID and Password?  Not to worry, you don’t have to manually send those details.  We have included a Lost Password Retrieval utility in your Membership Site.
Users login details will be send to his email address that he entered during signup.
Please Remember, you don’t have to worry about Manual Membership Script Installation, No more MySql Database setup.
No Manual Script Installation.
No MySql Database setup
Hack-proof system
Easy to manage Admin Control Panel
Easy Account Signup form
Lost password retrieval utility

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