Mini Site Graphic Pack

Product Published on: 2 July, 2009
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 This product include of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instatly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

Get Professionally Designed, Web2.0 Style Mini Site Templates In HTML, Photoshop And For XSitePro…
And To Kick-Start Your Money-Making Mini Sites In A FLASH!
Dear Website Owner,
Whether you like it or not, people do just a book by its cover.
And people judge a website by its design.
I know that when you start a new website project, you want to launch with a good-looking website. You want to be able to win the trust of your website visitors with good, professional design.
And I know the problem when it comes to website design.
You can get any of those free website templates available on the Internet. But the truth is, they aren’t any good. You and I know that.
And you can buy a website template from galleries, but they would cost you a bomb. Each website template is no less than $50.
And let’s not even get started with a custom design from a professional web designer. I don’t think you can get a custom design for lesser than $100. Some even charge a minimum of $500 per design.
So the last few weeks, my friends and I put together a collection of 20 mini site template for you to consider. With these templates, you can be sure that…
Gain the trust of your web visitors with professionally-designed mini site templates
Stay ahead of the trend with Web2.0 style elements
Get free traffic with templates optimized for the search engines
Choose your own style with sales letter and side menu template variation
If I were to sell these template individually, I would charge no less than $50 each. But because I want to solve the problems that I listed above with getting a good design for your website, I decidede to lower the price.
Now, you can get ALL the 20 mini site template design for only $20.
All mini-site templates contain:
XSitePro template version
HTML version complete with web graphics
Photoshop PSD file
Blank header graphic file in GIF or JPG
* Few previews are available for view.

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