Money Mouth

Product Published on: 7 June, 2009
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Is your business lagging?  Have you lost the fire you once felt for it?  Do you see others sharing their passions with the world and getting very well paid for it?  Do you even wish you could find a way to boost your business without indulging in get rich quick schemes?  You know those don’t work, you’ve tried them all.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find a way to make a living doing something you love?  You know the old saying, do what you love and the money will follow.  Why doesn’t that work for you?  You see others following their bliss to great acclaim and huge profits.  What are their secrets?

Maybe you already have a business established, but it is just not growing as fast as you would like.  You’ve got a passion for it, sure, you just wish that passion gave you back a little more income.  Or maybe a lot more income.   Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find a way to share your passions with the world, and make money doing it?

There’s A Way To Combine Passion
AND Make Money!

Maybe you are looking to supplement your income.  Maybe you want to establish more credibility for your established business.  Perhaps you want to boost your reputation to mega-watt levels and storm the highest markets.

Of course you do!  Who wouldn’t?  But all that is impossible without rigorous training.  Or paying a lot of money to earn a MBA or other advanced degree.  Or investing in an expensive coaching program.  Right?  Wrong!

Begin A Lucrative Speaking Career Today

With one modest investment in our Money Mouth ebook, you’ll be on your way to a lucrative speaking career much sooner than you think.  You can become a highly paid speaker as an addition to a current business.  Or you can make it the primary focus of your career.

Professionals all across the country recommend adding speaking to your bag of tricks if you already own a business, there is no better way to establish credibility and boost sales.  These same experts also agree that starting a professional speaking career is one of the quickest routes to a high income.

Master Pro Speaking

1) Earn Big Bucks

The best-paid speakers earn up to six figures, and some earn thousands for giving one speech.   Master the secrets of pro speaking and you, too can earn a huge income.

2) Get More Business

Mastering public speaking is the best way to add another income stream to your existing business.  It gives you  instant credibility.  And that equals more sales, more often, more easily.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide….

How To Choose A Winning Topic

Design a Sure-Fire Strategy For Success

Get An Instant Leg Up With The Best Resources

The Quickest Route to Confident Speaking

It’s All In The Marketing

How To Write Great Speeches

Help! My Knees are Shaking and my Mouth is Dry!

A Guide To Creating Back of the Room Material

The Call To Make A Difference

All Your Money Mouth Questions Answered

And a lot more!

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