No Restriction Pack

Product Published on: 4 July, 2009
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 This product include of full web site allowing you to sell this product instantly. This product also includes of all other material such as psd files, marketing letter, videos, advertisement text, ready made email letter, articles for use to submit to articles directory, ready made description for submission to web directory, promotional text and many more.


* This package come with 14 products, not all products description are listed below.


“Discover How YOU, Too Can Have Your Very Own Instant Collection Of BRAND NEW, Smoking Hot Products… without Having To Spend Hundreds Of Dollars Or Weeks Of Writing!”


Many leading Internet Marketers are often lauding the importance of having your own product if you want to succeed BIG time… and earn BIG bucks.


One of the beauties of having your own Information Product is that you can earn your sales instantly rather than wait for someone else to pay you your affiliate checks, and only a paltry percentage on top of that.


PLUS having your own products give you FULL rights and FULL flexibility, giving you the license to decide your own profit potential.


Which is perfect, of course, since you can also brand yourself in the process.


I’ve also come to know of marketers who publish their work offline, too, simply by converting their E-Books into hard copy paperbacks – exploding their income further.



“And Here Are Even More Reasons Why You Should Have Your Very Own Info Product…”

 You can spawn more than one cash points of your choice from your own Info Product, such as One Time Offer, back-end offers, and affiliate links within,


 Since you own the full rights to your own E-Book(s), you can offer a “light” version and either charge a lower price to those who can’t afford a bigger investment, or even give it away as a “cookie bite” and build your opt-in mailing list,


 You can also offer your product in your own paid membership site or as a bonus to another product you are selling,


 You can also earn more by selling the Resell Rights or Private Label Rights to your product,


 And so much more! These are some suggestions but you get the idea.


As you can see, owning your own Info Product or line of Info Products is one of the BEST choices you can ever make in your Information Marketing career!



“But There’s A Problem…”

… and it’s called product development or product creation.


But believe me: selling your own Info Product is too lucrative to be passed on just because of this barrier.


So let’s evaluate your BEST option possible:


Solution #1: Write Your Own E-Book(s)


Often times, creating your own Info Product demands a lot of writing skill, expertise, niche marketing research, and incredible knowledge on your part.


And if you don’t have any flair or time for writing or you absolutely hate it, you will do well to leave this option out.


Solution #2: Hire A Ghostwriter


Some call this the “secret weapon” of gurus. Engaging ghostwriters can be one of your best choices… only if you can afford it.


And if you don’t have at least a few hundred dollars to trust someone else to do the writing for you, you will have to leave this option out, too.


Solution #3: Purchase Products With Resell Rights


This can be a good and fast way to have instant products to resell and pocket 100% of the profits. The downside, however, is that you don’t own the product.


In other words, you can only do so much with the product as the ultimate copyright holder is the product author.



“And If None Of The First 3 Solutions Are In Your Favor, Then…”

… may I suggest that you drop your product development chores and get your hands on…


Not One Or Two, But A DOZEN New, Smoking Hot Info Products – All Targeted At Hungry Niches – Complete With *No Restriction* Private Label Rights!


Yes, that’s right.


Contrary to most products out there where product authors are offering limited rights to their Private Label Rights, I am offering you absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS to the usage of the Info Products.


In a real essence, YOU can do anything you want with them – your imagination is the limit!


Below are the products that come with the pack!

Also included with 2 bonus products. Total all 14 products in this pack!


Profit Funnel Ideas

33 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Cool Low Ticket, Mid Ticket and High Ticket Product Ideas That You Can Create And Profit From!


Target Market/Demand: Active Internet Marketers and Online Business builders who have industrious mind sets are often looking for new ways, new products and new ideas to serve more customers and profit more in the process.


Product Description: Profit Funnel Ideas offer a variety of profitable ideas that you can use for your own and create sellable commodities – whether you want to go low ticket, middle ticket or even high ticket!


Guide To Successful Online Freelancing

29 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Establish Yourself As A Professional Freelancer And Earn MASSIVE Lines Of Clients Hungry For Your Service!


Target Market/Demand: Many new Internet users from around the world go online everyday and a HUGE fraction are often looking for ways to start an online career, usually as a freelancer.


This is the case because more and more people are becoming aware of the Internet’s leverage that can offer an abundance of job and freelancing opportunities.


Product Description: Guide To Successful Online Freelancing is a fun-and-easy-to-follow guide, detailing how you – or anyone – can kick start and grow your profitable career online as an expert freelancer while working from home!


The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset

42 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Unearth The Minds Of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs From Around The Planet!


Target Market/Demand: Any smart entrepreneur of any kind knows that success often begins with having the right, positive mindset.


Unfortunately, the failure rate in many Internet Business startups is almost just as high as it is in the offline brick-n-mortar business world even though the Internet offers a better leverage and tools are often low-cost.


Product Description: The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset deals directly with the root problem of the high failure rates in Internet Marketing, immediately addressing the importance of having the right, positive mindset when doing business online.


Web 2.0 Sites EXPOSED

38 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Leverage Your Business & Marketing Power On The Latest Wave On The Internet!


Target Market/Demand: This is one is sure to attract the attention of webmasters and Internet Marketers alike. Ever since the dot com bust and the prime of Web 1.0 sites, comes Web 2.0. Anyone with a web site online are now catching the Web 2.0 ‘bug’ and here’s how you can cash in!


Product Description: Web 2.0 Sites EXPOSED introduces the latest wave of the Internet and how you can transform all of your websites into cash-raking Web 2.0 machines!


10 Most Common E-zine Publishing Mistakes You Must Avoid

15 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


A Must Read For All Seasoned E-zine Publishers And Those In The Making!


Target Market/Demand:More and more individuals are publishing their own e-zines a.k.a. Online Newsletters from the comfort of their home. E-zines are ridiculously low-cost as opposed to offline magazine and newspaper publishing businesses, thus the profit margins can be potentially HIGH too!


Product Description: A must read for all seasoned e-zine publishers and those in the making… avoid the 10 most common pit falls on your way to high-profit e-zine publishing!


Why Start An E-zine?

15 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Now Even An Average Joe Can Claim His Fame To Internet Marketing Stardom!


Target Market/Demand: The emergence of the Internet has given both ordinary individuals and companies alike the power equivalent to that of the newspapers and magazines.


Yep – it’s the power of influence and distribution of information!


Product Description: Discover how even Average Joes and Janes are now making a small fortune online and claiming their fame to Internet Marketing stardom… simply by doing what their local magazine publishers are doing – in the online context!


The 7 Most Common Mistakes Made In Affiliate Marketing 

14 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


A Must Have Guide For All Affiliate Marketers…


Target Market/Demand: Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular methods chosen by many beginning work-at-home ontrepreneurs and continues to be a constant favorite wealth-generator even among the top players in E-Commerce.


Product Description: Serving as the tenderfoot guide to the world of Affiliate Marketing riches, this Special Report highlights 7 identified common, costly mistakes that most people often make as affiliates – and how you can avoid running into the same pitfalls.


Super Affiliate Marketing Edges

14 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Keep Most Of The Affiliate Marketing Fortune To Yourself… And Deprive Your Competitors!


Target Market/Demand: In highly profitable niches, you can almost bet your bottom that there will be masses of highly competitive affiliates. And given the variety of competitors, expect a fraction of them to play dirty pool!


Product Description: Super Affiliate Marketing Edges, as the title implies, reveals cutting-edge techniques and methods on how you can stay on top of the game and go on to become the next most sought-after Super Affiliate Marketer.


Develop Your Financial IQ

25 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Greatly Enhance Your Financial Sense In A Fun And Easy Way – And Take Control Of Your Finances Starting Today!


Target Market/Demand: As pointed out by many business people and well-versed masters of the financial domain, it is quite a bummer that majority of the schools from around the world hardly prepare their students for their own financial future.


Product Description: Develop Your Financial IQ is a HIGHLY recommended “MUST READ” for entrepreneurs of all kinds and individuals who are starting to take an interest in money and how it is playing a huge role in their financial life.


Debt Free Network Marketing

24 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Strategies On How To Erase Costs While Building Your Network Giving You Endless Leads And Cash Flow!


Target Market/Demand: This controversial industry continues to grow and thrive into the 21st century owing to its unique business model and placing high importance in the distribution of wealth among many of its members rather than just belonging to a selected few. However, many an average Network Marketer often find themselves spending more than they profit – regardless of how much or how little they make from their Network Marketing business.


Product Description: A must have for Network Marketers, Debt Free Network Marketing shows you how to eliminate debt and erase unnecessary costs in your pursuit towards financial freedom through smart leverage of networking!


Mastering The Plan Mechanics

36 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Simple Yet Advanced Analysis On Network Marketing Plans To Fire Up Your Network And Triple Your Income!


Target Market/Demand: This practice used to be frown upon but now it has come of age where it’s normal for individuals to join more than one Network Marketing company. But are all Network Marketing companies created equal? What are your best chances possible making it big in the Network Company which you are contemplating to join?


Product Description: Hesitant to commit yourself fully to any Network Marketing because of uncertainty? Master the Plan Mechanics automatically gives you the X-Ray vision into compensation plans and deduce your best chances possible of being successful via Network Marketing!


The Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide

34 Pages, No Restriction PLR!


Master The Backwoods Of Internet Entrepreneurship – All Distilled Into A Single Most Powerful Guide!


Target Market/Demand: Internet Entrepreneurship is far from being the hardest business but it’s by no means not necessarily the easiest, either. Penetrating into E-Commerce with little preparation and fewer tunings to your mindset can just responsible for killing your potential success as an Internet Entrepreneur!


Product Description: Introducing the Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide for all ontrepreneurs in the making, you are about to master all the backwoods and mandatory skills that you need in order to survive the rough journeys of Internet Marketing before seeing the huge pile of rewards.

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