Offline Fortunes

Product Published on: 7 May, 2010
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A Step By Step Guide To Offline Marketing

The Offline Fortunes program will tell you everything you need to know to set yourself up in business as an offline marketer, from what companies are looking for, to how to set your prices to step by step business models you can use to earn from.

By now, you are curious what you will learn in your step by step video course …

Video 1 – Introduction
9m 20s

Understand why offline marketing is such a great business model, even in the current bad economic climate
See what you will learn in this program

Video 2 – Doing Business Offline
12m 49s

Learn what is it like to do business offline
Understand how offline marketing differs from marketing online and how to quickly adapt to this new market

Video 3 – What Do They Want?
17m 06s
Understand what offline companies are looking from you
Learn 6 things every offline company is desperate to have

Video 4 – Monetization Methods
11m 06s
Learn the many different ways to monetize your offline business
And see how your knowledge will turn into dollars

Video 5 – Getting Business
11m 20s
Learn what it takes to get business offline
And what you need to do in order to get companies eating out of your hand

Video 6 – Simple Business Model
10m 34s
See a simple business model you can use to make money offline which works incredibly well in any market
Let me share with you one of my sample videos (in the quality you will receive them – notice they are a good size and very easy to see what is going on – not some postage stamp sized grainy video)

Video 7 – Offline Niche Marketing
8m 08s
Discover two powerfully effective techniques which can get companies literally biting your arm off for you to do business with them

Video 8 – Offline Marketing Method
9m 31s
Learn a simple offline marketing method that you can use to easily create a passive income that will increase every month

Video 9 – Pricing Your Services
14m 20s
Overcome the biggest problem many marketers face when trying to start an offline business
See some of the prices that companies are paying for your services

Video 10 – Making It Succeed
9m 28s
Learn what you need to do in order to succeed as an offline marketer
Get some great advice for making your offline business work

Video 11 – Summary
7m 02s
Understand what you need to do know to go forwards
And how you can make your very own offline fortune

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