Online Poker PLR

Product Published on: 1 July, 2009
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Through this ebook, you are going to learn the best insider tips for playing and winning online poker games whenever you like…
Here’s Part Of The Topics, You’ll Learn Inside:
Learn the history of online poker.
Discover the general guidelines for pocket cards.
Learn exactly what pot odds and outs are.
Discover how to play the flop.
Discover what the term playing the river means.
Learn when you should blind steal.
Discover how to properly use the squeezing technique.
Learn how to properly maintain your tolerance for risk.
Learn the history of poker.
How to adjust your speed of play to hang with the high rollers.
Learn how to properly use check boxes/auto plays.
Discover ways to keep track of your opponents fold & flop percentages.
How to use the chat box to your advantage.
and much more in the ebook…

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