PPC Blogging

Product Published on: 15 September, 2009
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This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

What Valuable Secrets Are Revealed In Pay Per Click Blogging?

Just take a look at the actual Table Of Contents from this amazing e-book..

Chapter 1
Introduction to Blogging
What Exactly is a Blog? A Bit of Blogging History
Making Money with a Blog
A Successful Blog
The Future of Blogging

Chapter 2

AdSense as a Monetization Model
How Does AdSense Know What Ads to Send?
Where do the Ads Come From?
Using AdSense for Monetization
Rules of AdSense
AdSense for Search
How Much Money Can I Make from AdSense?

Chapter 3

Blogger Set-Up, Step 1 – Create an Account
Blogger Set-Up, Step 2 – Name Your Blog
Blogger Set-Up, Step 3 – Choose a Template
Congratulations – You Now Have a Blog on Blogger!
Using the Dashboard in Blogger
Posting a Message
Blogger Settings
The Blogger Template
Below is the “Template” tab in the Dashboard

Chapter 4

Once You Are Approved for AdSense
AdSense Block Locations
Graphics and AdSense

Chapter 5

AdSense Report Tab
AdSense Setup Tab
My Account Tab
Need More Help With AdSense?

Chapter 6
What Should I Write About on My New Blog?
Posting Messages on Your Blog
Formatting Your Posted Messages
The Meat of Your Messages

Chapter 7

Forum Signature Files
Finding Forums of Interest
E-Mail Signature Files
Back-links Bring Traffic to Your Blog
Article Submissions
Press Release Submissions
Blog Directory Submissions
Comment on Other Blogs
Team Up With Other Bloggers

Chapter 8

How Does a Search Engine Work?
Search Engine Optimization
Stay on Topic & Post Often
SEO and Marketing Your Blog

Chapter 9

Your Blog Design
Vlog and Moblog – The Future of Blogging
Create an RSS Feed
Alternatives to Blogger
Final Thoughts

Additional information

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