Project Genius

Product Published on: 26 August, 2009
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This product is inclusive  of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

Project Genius is the software that will help you plan your projects.

From now on, you will be able to take a professional approach to your project planning and increase your success rate. You will no longer have surprises during the course of your project. You will better know what you want, your will organize your brain storming sessions better, and you will set your milestones and deadlines with ease.

You are probably thinking that this will be difficult to do, that you will have to use complex software, draw complicated diagrams, and that this will take all the fun out of it.

Think again.

Project Genius is very easy to use. You can get started with it right away. The software will explain every step in the process, take you by the hand, and make the process obvious to you. There is a real methodology behind this. You will not have to study this methodology: It will come naturally to you, thanks to Project Genius.

Remember the saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail!"

Here are just some of the benefits of Project Genius:

Designed for any type of project. Project size does not matter.
Solve the problem of facing a blank page by being able to start a new project instantly.
Easy navigation of the project planning process that includes built in assistance with each step as to what you are aiming to achieve.
Uses plain language – not symbols and charts.  So your project can be used as an effective briefing tool for anybody associated with your project.
Virtually Unlimited projects (defined by the total space or disk or 4 gigabytes of data, more than you will ever need).
Project Genius can be used by anyone – even if you are new to planning projects.
Easily handle multiple projects at once.
Exclusive 27 steps to project success sequence.
Built in Word Processor allowing text formatting, spell checking and more.
Print a single project topic or the whole project.
Includes assistance in analyzing your competition as well as your projects features and benefits.
Built in brain storming module allows you to not only brain storm an existing or new project but assist you in discovering what project you want to create if you don’t already know.
Modern software design means you will find Project Genius something that you can immediately start using.

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