Save Your Marriage

Product Published on: 30 June, 2009
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If you are having trouble in your marriage, you are not alone! Sometimes feeling as if you are the only person in the entire world who is encountering problems makes it even worse, you may feel as if you have no one and nowhere to turn, or that you have no choice but to simply leave everything as it is and hope that it will somehow get better on its own.
Marital problems will not miraculously vanish by themselves, but you are not alone, and your situation is not hopeless!
People everywhere have problems, some exactly like the ones you are facing.  Many people, however, have no idea as to what to do.  They make the mistake of asking for or accepting advice from well-meaning friends or family members who are not qualified or experienced to assist in finding solutions;  or they read piles of “popular” books, most of which only make matters worse;  or they may go into counseling for what seems to be a minor problem, and get no practical help or results.  Some people believe they have no choice but to suffer and allow their marriage to fall apart.
Fortunately, you do not need to make any of these mistakes! You can get practical help and advice, in normal easy-to-understand language, and learn how to put this advice into constructive action!
There are a number of very important reasons why this book is for you…
Save Your Marriage And Develop A Lifelong Love! will give you the answers that you need!
It’s free of “pop” jargon, and does not take a “psychological” slant to the issues. You will read about problems and learn about solutions in basic, average language which is meant for an average married adult– just like you!
Focuses on resolving problems, rather than the “modern” slant of placing blame. This book is not about pointing out who is in the wrong or who has made mistakes– it is about resolving what is negative in your marriage and building on what is positive!
Does not focus on one specific area, but covers the scope of problems which are universal to marriages everywhere. It also takes into consideration that you and your spouse are individuals, and encourages you to approach each topic from an individual viewpoint. 
You will find a wealth of valuable information in this one small book!  It is, without a doubt, the one book you need!  Whether you have been married for a short period of time, or a number of decades;  whether you have been facing serious difficulties or merely wish to improve your marriage, this book is for you!
What else makes it different and better?
In addition to all of the points which I have just told you about, a very important and very unique factor in SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE  is that it will show you how to look at “the big picture”!  Your marriage did not begin yesterday,  nor did the problems which you are now encountering, nor did the little fleeting moments of happiness which you are occasionally experiencing! 
This book is unique because it will guide you through the stages of your marriage, from the ideals and strengths which you can recall from your early days, through revitalizing your dreams and goals for the future!
Helpful information in chapters such as:
1) To Find the Solution, First See the Problem 
In this chapter, you will be guided through the process of recognizing the problems which you are encountering before attempting a solution.  You will see that when many people make the mistake of avoiding this task, they do not get the great results which you can expect when you are aware of its importance!
2) Dealing With Differences
No matter how long you have been married, learning how to deal effectively with differences between yourself and your spouse is one of the “basics” in having a good marriage. This chapter will show you the two best methods of tackling those differences so they do not become heated arguments or painful confrontations!

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