Save Your Marriage

Product Published on: 22 November, 2014
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Introducing …. Save Your Marriage …..


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Brief Note :


Save Your Marriage – Ways to save your marriage !


New Report Shares How To Rekindle Your Relationship !


What if there was a way to save Your Marriage, but you didn't know where to start. If you think it's impossible to save your marriage, beacause too many bad things have been said or done, this could be the most important letter you've ever read !


You could cut the tension in your home with a knife.


You love your spouse, and they love you. You've been married for years, and it used to be happy. But now you're having a hard time remembering any good times. Bad tension is like a sickness. When it's in your house nothing is fun or good.


You can't believe this is happening to you.


How did it happen ? Where did your marriage skid off course ? More importantly, can your relationship ever be restored ?


You could give up and get a divorce. That's pretty drastic so trend carefully. Regret is also a hard thing to live with. Is that really what you want ? What if you could save your marriage ?

Wash away the negative thoughts that are chipping away at your relationship. 
Follow the unwritten 2nd contract of marriage that successful couples do. 
Restart the conversation that has stalled behind hurt feelings. 
And more relationship-saving strategies that have been proven to bring couples back together !


If you don't try to save your marriage, could you ever forgive yourself? Especially if there are children involved.


Below are some of the marriage saving action-advice you will find inside:


. The truth about the contract of marriage. 
. Little known facts you may not have considered 
. Does divorce really make you happier? We've got the stats. 
. Why divorce lawyers aren't really on your side. 
. The secret behind "painless divorces" and why they don't really exist.
. How divorce can affect your child. It may be hard to read this. 
. 6 statistics that may convince you to stall any plans you have to leave your spouse. 
. Why negative thinking may be the real culprit behind your failing marriage. 
. How successfully married couples view their relationship. 
. The power of the words, "For better or for worse." 
. 7 simple pleasures of marriage you may have forgotten about. 
. The unspoken, unwritten 2nd contract of marriage that successful couples abide by. 
. The secret to a successful marriage through partnership. 
. The difference between the sexes and how to use it to help (not hurt) your marriage. 
. How Bill Cosby explains the sexes to the rest of us. 
. 5 times during your day when the anthem "Don't sweat the small stuff" just doesn't apply. 
. A new way for looking at money and finances 
. Why you've stopped talking and how to get the conversations flowing again (without any awkward moments). 
. How to recognize turning points in your marriage and stop last chances from becoming lost chances. 
. 5 fundamentals that every marriage counsellor agrees is crucial to your relationship's happiness. 
. What friendship means inside a marriage and how to find it.
. And much more !

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