The Google Code Cracker

Product Published on: 21 January, 2010
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“Discover How This Self-confessed SEO Dummy Cracked The Code To
Dominating The First Page Of Google!”

The Google Code Cracker
Here is some of the exciting information you’ll discover in this four part program .  .  .
* How the internet is changing and how you can take advantage to eliminate your competition.

* The 80/20 rule and how it applies to success on the internet — particularly Google.

* A brand new FREE keyword search tool for you far better than others — including semi-defunct Overture.

* How to distinguish between tire kickers and genuine prospective buyers and only attract the latter.

* How to access little known, but trusted, web sites and so power your rise to the top of Google.

* Bolting that supercharger on to your bum marketing. Maximizing your results for the least effort.

* Using your new found skills as a Center Of Influence to create massive hands-off affiliate incomes.

* Content is still King, so here’s some fast and easy ways to create it.

* Why video is an increasingly important part of your armory in 2009 and beyond.

* How to consolidate your position as the Center Of Influence in your niche.

* And much, much more!

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