Traffic Hybrid System

Product Published on: 26 June, 2009
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 This package come with premade web site allows you to instantly publish the site and start selling this product. The package also come with other material that associate with this product such as graphics, ads text, banners etc that you might require to promote or publish the web site. 

“Discover The Simple Copy & Paste Traffic Method That Will Break Into Any Niche, The More Competition the Better!… 100% Guaranteed”
Have you read the book by Seth Godin, Purple Cow?
Well… if not.. you really should… It talks about being remarkable… but what’s important here is, it talks about marketing to the innovators and early adopters of a niche… what Seth likes to call SNEEZERS…
The method you are about to discover… focuses on getting the attention of none other than SNEEZERS!
“This Method Will Work… No Matter
What Type of Site You Have!”
Maybe you are an affiliate for someone else’s ebook or maybe you own your own products. You can promote digital information products or physical goods like food supplements (or whatever else). You can promote “pay-per-sale” or “pay-per-lead” products. You can have Adsense on your pages – it doesn’t matter.
What’s even better is that you can get traffic from it in as little as 24 hours, the traffic will be super high quality and you will need to do almost zero work!
It’s NOT about spamming the search engines with 1000s of pages of crap!
It’s NOT about spending an arm and a leg with Google Adwords only to wake up the next morning  to find out that you didn’t make a single sale!
It’s NOT about buying links from “link brokers” or “link farms”!
It’s NOT about “WEB 2.0”, “Social Bookmarking” or whatever the new flavor of the day is!
It’s NOT about using classified ad sites to “get your offer in there”!
It’s NOT about spending all day writing articles hoping that “someone” will “pick them up” and send you some visitors!
It’s NOT about begging Joint Venture partners to “blast your offer” or having thousands of clueless affiliates who won’t make a single sale!
It’s NOT about Blogs, WordPress Plugins or any method that requires you to be technical
It IS for YOU if you want to start getting traffic to your site in as little as 24 hours (I designed this system for myself first and foremost, because I get very impatient at times)
It IS for YOU if you are sick and tired of all the changes in the Google algorithms and “Google Slaps”
It IS for YOU if you are lazy or too busy to “babysit” your traffic method
It IS for YOU if you are short on cash and don’t want to gamble with your money. With this system, you will be making money before you actually pay anything (and again, this has got nothing to do with affiliates or Joint Venture partners)
“This Method Has Never Been Discussed Before In Any Other Ebook, DVD or Seminar And I Doubt It Will Be Explained Again!”
Well, for the most part, traffic methods are separated into free and paid ones.
An example of a “free” traffic method is Search Engine Optimization. You pay nothing when  someone clicks on one of your search engine listings.
However, SEO can be very complex, technical, time-consuming and unstable – you can wake up the next morning and all your rankings may be gone. That’s no way to run a business.
An example of a “paid” traffic method is Pay-Per-Click advertising. You can have traffic in hours (or even minutes) to your website.
However, PPC can be expensive and eat through your budget faster than you can say “Google Adwords.” Many marketers have lost their shirts with this method – with few if any sales to show for it.
I’m not saying that SEO or PPC are useless. If you know what you are doing (and, if you get a little lucky) you can do very well with them. However, out of necessity, I sat down and thought…
“What if There Was a Method That Combined the Virtues of SEO and PPC Without the Faults?”
And thus, The Traffic Hybrid System was born. It’s about “paying” for a “free” method – but with several twists.
In one sentence, this system is about having other people posting on forums in your industry promoting your products (or products you are an affiliate for). The forums in your industry are where most of your buyers/sneezers hang out – and you can tap into that!
BUT, the system is not as simple as it sounds. There are MANY mistakes you can make if you don’t know what you are doing. Of course, if you DO know what you are doing, you can earn the maximum amount of money with the minimum smount of time and effort.
“If Google Has Been Kicking Your Ass,
Now Is The Time To Kick Theirs!”
First of all, it’s F-A-S-T. Once a post is made on a forum, many of the forum members will read it and then visit the website that is in the “signature file” at the bottom of the posts.
It’s L-A-Z-Y. Many people don’t have the energy or time to spend all their time posting on forums. That’s why you will let someone ELSE do the dirty work while you enjoy your life
It’s C-H-E-A-P! I’ll show you how to find people who will make intelligent, friendly posts on relevant forums – and they will do it for less than minimum wage! (hint: If they enjoy doing it, they won’t charge you as much and their posts will actually be higher quality :-). On a “per click” basis, it’s much more affordable than PPC!
It’s S-A-F-E. You will not pay any money upfront. You will be making the sales from your affiliate products (or your own products) and you will be paying AFTER that (typically after 20-30 days of the first post – and even that is negotiable).
It’s S-C-A-L-A-B-L-E! This is a big one: Many people struggle because they spend $5 a day and make back $10 (for a profit of $5). But what if you spent $50 to make $100? Or $500 to make $1000? Once you find a good market, you can hire TEN people o post for you in that market (or even in different markets) – and again, you don’t pay them upfront!
It’s S-T-A-B-L-E AND S-U-S-T-A-I-N-A-B-L-E! You don’t have to worry about Google de-indexing your site or changing their algorithm. And, once you get the ball rolling, you just keep paying the good people who post for you and they will be happy to continue doing so. You will be writing small checks to receive bigger checks.
Why forums are one of the most overlooked goldmines on the internet…
How to use forums to find out what your market really wants to buy…
How to pick a forum “username” that will help you make more money (short-term AND long-term).
How to set up an effective “signature file” – very few people know how to PROPERLY use signature files…
Techniques to use when you want to promote a product as an affiliate or even as a merchant (when you are promoting your own product).
A sneaky trick to make more money from every single forum you visit…
How to increase the profitability of your signature file by 200%, 300% or even 400% – instantly!
How to use forums to instantly get up to hundreds of backlinks to your sites. Links from big authority sites (like forums) can boost your search engine rankings practically overnight!
How to track your traffic from each individual forum you post on…
How to draw even more attention to your signature file so you drive even more traffic to your offers.
How to earn a living on the internet WITHOUT posting all day on forums. We are all lazy so the last thing we want to do is spend all day posting. It’s about working SMART – and NOT hard.
How to really post on forums for maximum effect…
How to create controversy and posts that get many views (without becoming hated :-))
How to find the biggest forums in any niche quickly and easily…
How to create an effective offer. You have several options here (probably more than you realize) so don’t be closed-minded 🙂
Live examples of effective “squeeze” pages (or “name-capture” pages). These are great to get inspiration from in order to create your own. Start building your list today!
Two “old school” techniques for creating a high visitor value on your page (so that your visitors spend more with you). These have been proven to work again and again – and yet, almost nobody uses them!
How to completely outsource the research of high-traffic forums in your market. You can pay someone a few bucks and they will find you forums that get tons of traffic everyday!
How to outsource the boring task of forum posting the RIGHT way: This is where most people will get it all wrong! You can find people who will post for you all day long – and their posts will be quality, they will love their job and they will be cheap too!
A really sneaky way to use other members of a forum so they do your “dirty work” for you. Don’t worry – it’s perfectly legal and ethical…
Copy-and-paste templates you can use to have others do all the work for you! I have done all the work FOR you so you don’t have to…

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