Turbo Tube Engage Pro Software

Product Published on: 23 September, 2016
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Introducing …. Turbo Tube Engage Pro Software …..


File : Personal Use Rights


Brief Note :


With Turbo Tube Engage PRO you can also:


– You can subscribe your viewers very effortlessly with your AWEBER account – allowing you to grab and hold their attention longer. Your subscribers are added to Aweber automatically. You can select from the TEN (10) GORGEOUS TEMPLATES offered for your signup from within the software. And again: Your viewers will need to signup with your Aweber list in order to RESUME the video!


– Increase your sales by adding JVZoo and/or ClickBank order links and buttons into your videos. You can easily add JVZoo buttons or Clickbank order links right into your content. When you do, Turbo Tube Engage will pause the video on a specific second of your hoosing. Then, it will prompt the viewer to pay through JVzoo or Clickbank within the order before they can continue to video the view. Imagine teasing them with fantastic content they can then get after they pay you!


– Even better, you can use Turbo Tube Engage to generate buzz that your business needs. You can EMBED a viral video IN your main video, even special effects that makes it unique and interesting, including things like selling video ad space.

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